Battery EPR

Social Lab offers the most suitable and affordable Battery EPR solutions

Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change notified Battery Waste Management (BWM) Rules on 22nd August 2022. Under Rule 4 (1), companies have an EPR obligation for the Battery they introduce in the market to ensure recycling or refurbishing.

Battery EPR is applicable to a company if you

Manufacture & sell new or refurbished batteries under its own brand.

Import standalone battery or equipment containing battery

Manufacture & sell new or refurbished batteries in equipment.

Not sure where you belong?

Batteries Covered under EPR

Portable Battery

Rechargable batteries, less than 5kg and have applications in consumer and non-consumer electronics

Automotive Battery

Batteries used only for automotive starter, lighting or ignition power in cars, bikes, mopeds etc.

Screenshot 2023-06-01 at 3.55.12 PM

Industrial batteries

Items like tetrapacks, chips wrappers where the films are made using one layer of plastic and one layer of non plastic material like paper, aluminium foil etc.

Screenshot 2023-06-01 at 3.55.51 PM

Electric Vehicle Battery

These batteries are designed to provide traction to electric vehicles like two wheelers, three wheelers, and four wheelers for road transport.

Recovery Target

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Our EPR Impact

The EPR are based on several criteria, including waste collection, disposal, and processing, and they encourage cities to adopt sustainable waste management practices.

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Our EPR Impact

The EPR are based on several criteria, including waste collection, disposal, and processing, and they encourage cities to adopt sustainable waste management practices.


Plastic Processors



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Our Clients

Reference Documents

Battery Waste Management Rules 2022

Customs Department Letter