Extended Producer Responsibility
Short Inroduction Of EPR
EPR stands for Extended Producer Responsibility and it is a legal obligation on companies which produce waste. In the Indian context, EPR started with E-Waste, gained popularity through Plastic Waste, and is now applicable on various other wastes like Batteries, Hazardous (Tyre) etc.
We are Breakdown of EPR Process:
You can register by submitting the documents as per the format given in the online application form. The quantities at this stage are required in MT per Year. Once the online application is submitted, the respective Pollution Control Board (CPCB/State PCB) takes predefined time to approve the application or raise any queries. After approval, the certificate of registration is generated and you can download it. This certificate of registration mentions the terms and conditions which need to be followed thought out the year.
Your company is given a target based on the details in the application form and the registration certificate you get. This target is to make sure that the waste produced by your products is collected and disposed of properly. The given target is a measurement of your consumption, waste production, and obligation to collect and recycle over the preceding fiscal years. By purchasing credits from recycler’s registered on the same platform, this goal can be achieved. However, if the recycler’s don’t have enough credits on hand, you have to set up infrastructure to collect and recycle your waste.
This completes the cycle of compliance. Whatever is done after receiving the certificate of registration must be reported to the government via quarterly or annual returns. The process can be done online.
These compliance’s are standard. They deal with packaging/labeling regulations, invoice uploading, and other items as notified by the CPCB through periodically updated regulations.

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